
有關 中正95 語概(2) 2.2. Polysyllabic monomorphemic word....e.g. pu-tao " 葡萄 ",

* Bisyllabic but monomorphemic words, such as hudie ' 蝴蝶 '...找到答案囉~Nancy說對囉 ^^ ~

葡萄, 蝴蝶都可以說是 polysyllabic monomorphemic word..但說是 Bisyllabic monomorphemic word 應該是更正確囉....: )

Chinese morphology has very limited inflectional and derivational processes (see Li & Thompson 1983, Chapter 3). However, compounding is comparatively productive in this language. According to research done by the Chinese Knowledge Information Processing Group, there were 42,686 words (by type) and 5,666 characters appearing in a large corpus. Except for very few bisyllabic monomorphemic words like pu-tao ‘grape’), in which the single character does not have meaning by itself, all other characters are meaningful units (therefore they are morphemes or words) and are used repeatedly to form polymorphemic (especially bimorphemic) compounds.


Q: As for 2.1 question, what is "Monosyllabic monomorphemic word" ?  My idea : 如果是像 e.g. "詩" "書"...right? 



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