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雖然這是華文所的相關重點 但大家可以參考一下~



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The Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP) is a phonological hypothesis that states that (certain) consecutive identical features are banned in underlying representations. For instance, it is commonly thought in phonology that no morpheme is allowed to contain two consecutive high tones. If two consecutive high tones appear within a single morpheme, some rule must have applied. Maybe one of the surface high-tone vowels was underlyingly high-toned, while the other was underlyingly toneless. Then, since all vowels must have tone at the surface (in this hypothetical language), the high tone of the one vowel spreads onto the other (see autosegmental phonology). Alternatively, one (or both) of the vowels may have started out low-toned and became high-toned due to the application of some rule; or perhaps there was a low tone between the two high tones that got deleted at some point. Regardless, the OCP claims that there can not have been two consecutive high tones (nor two consecutive low tones, etc.) in the underlying representation of the morpheme, i.e. in the morpheme's lexical entry.

The locus classicus of the OCP is Leben (1973), in which it was formulated as a morpheme-structure constraint precluding sequences of identical tones from underlying representations. In autosegmental phonology (Goldsmith 1976), with articulated conceptions about associations between featural melodies and skeletal units (i.e. CV phonology, see McCarthy 1979, McCarthy 1981, Steriade 1982, Clements & Keyser 1983), moraic phonology (Hyman 1985, Hayes 1989), the OCP was considered to be relevant to adjacent singly-linked melodies but not to doubly-linked melodies. The OCP in this 'rules and constraints' era was no longer simply a constraint on underlying forms, but also began to play a role in the course of a phonological derivation. McCarthy (1986) proposed that the OCP can actively block the application of or repair the output of phonological rules, while Yip (1988) attempted to extend the role of the OCP to trigger the application of rules as well. However, there was also a strong opposition to the OCP as a formal constraint in phonological theory, headed by David Odden. Odden (1986) showed that, contrary to the contemporaneous assumption that constraints were inviolable, an examination of African tonal systems reveals many apparent surface violations of the OCP. A lively debate continued between John McCarthy and David Odden for several years, with each adding an extra 'anti-' to the title of the previous article of the other - e.g. "Anti anti-gemination and the OCP" (Odden 1988), a reply to McCarthy (1986).

In Optimality Theory (OT) (Prince & Smolensky 2004), the OCP has been again redefined as a violable constraint. Yet many issues as to its precise formal character remain: (i) locality - what is the domain of the OCP (i.e. strict adjacency? etc.) and how is the domain represented in the theory; (ii) near-identical sequences - many languages show an OCP-like resistance to sequences of segments that differ in just one distinctive feature; is this the effect of the OCP, some other constraint? If the latter, how is this constraint formally related to the OCP; (iii) status as an OT constraint - is the OCP a single constraint, or is it the local self-conjunction of markedness constraints (Alderete 1997)? These and other issues related to the OCP continue to be hotly debated in phonological theory.

另外 還有一篇整個都在講OCP的pdf檔  還有例子哦! http://www.vanoostendorp.nl/pdf/050920.pdf    大家看看嚕!


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Anyway, 我在wiki找到相關資料, 雖然只有台師大會考


As a theory of phonological representation, autosegmental phonology developed a formal account of ideas that had been sketched in earlier work by several linguists, notably Bernard Bloch (1948), Charles Hockett (1955) and J. R. Firth (1948). On such a view, phonological representations consist of more than one linear sequence of segments; each linear sequence constitutes a separate tier. The co-registration of elements (or autosegments) on one tier with those on another is represented by association lines. There is a close relationship between analysis of segments into distinctive features and an autosegmental analysis; each feature in a language appears on exactly one tier. The working hypothesis of autosegmental analysis is that a large part of phonological generalizations can be interpreted as a restructuring or reorganization of the autosegments in a representation. Clear examples of the usefulness of autosegmental analysis came in early work from the detailed study of African tone languages, as well as the study of vowel and nasal harmony systems. A few years later, John McCarthy proposed an important development by showing that the vocalism and consonantism of Arabic could be analyzed autosegmentally.



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剛剛"維修"了 一下 (自以為是在打online game嗎) 我們溫馨的語言學小窩

沒辦法, 這個家還是需要有個人來整理一下

孩子們可以看到左側新增了兩個新項目, 各別是 "文章分類區" 以及 "連結區"

請大家在興奮的發表文章的時候別忘記要按分類唷, 這樣大家以後爬文會比較方便, 直接點分類區看就好了 (真是個德政! 哈)

連結區我就把語言學相關的網址就PO在那啦~ 要不然還要點文章才能連結這樣很麻煩ˇˇ


3天後會自動引爆消失 哈哈


by 用心良苦 Kyle 哈哈

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Dear all,

我找到一個網址還不賴, 是語言學術語的glossary的網站

還有我有找到ㄧ篇PDF檔 (剛剛一直打成Ph.D檔 XD) 是有關中文語意的

才短短十頁又很好玩 不過我忘了存檔 我找到會寄給包子再轉寄給大家


話說登入這帳號時 輸入密碼有種莫名的爽感! 密碼真是太符合我想要說的話了 哈哈

What is a referent?


Words are used to represent things and experiences in the real or imagined world. Different words can be used to describe the same thing or experience.


A referent is the concrete object or concept that is designated by a word or expression. A referent is an object, action, state, relationship, or attribute in the referential realm.


Historically, there was only one person called George Washington, the first president of the United States. He can be referred to in a text in many ways, such as

  • the president
  • Mr. Washington
  • he, or even
  • my friend.

Even though there are many ways to talk about him, there is only one referent in the referential realm.





by Kyle






ohyalinguistics 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

下面資料是老師說要找的有關creak voice補充資料..

I.Definition about creak voice

 Ladefoged (2001) notes that creaky voice"occurs at the ends of falling intonations for some speakers of English," (125) even though English has no laryngealized phonemes. There is, though, no discussion of the functions of creaky voice in languages where it is not distinctive. 


 Other scholars have suggested that creaky voice can have communicative function  in English. Pittam (1987) suggests that, for Australian speakers, creaky voice indexes low solidarity and is associated with male speakers. Blount and Padgug   (1976) describe creaky voice as characteristic of English care-giver speech. Duncan and Fiske (1977) suggest that, when coupled with low pitch, creaky voice can signal the end of a conversational turn.



II. Examples of creaky voice


From an interactional point of view, two works bear particular mention. Ogden

(2001) suggests that among Finnish speakers, creaky voice often co-occurs with syntactic completion, pragmatic completion, and sentence final intonation at the end of a turnconstructional unit (TCU; Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson 1974). Such a combination of potential turn-end markers indicates a Complex Transition Relevance Place (CTRP;  Kärkkäinen, Sorjonen and Helasvuo, to appear), where a current speaker typically gives way to a new speaker. This use of creaky voice contrasts with glottal stops, which are generally not treated as transition relevant, even when followed by a long pause.[phenomena of glottal stop] Furthermore, when creak co-occurs with one or more of these elements, but speaker transition is not affected, TRP is retracted by, for example, rushing through the next TCU.



Closure cut-off (which can, under the right conditions, be realized by glottal stop) is routinely used to initiate same-turn repair of the TCU-sofar,and to that extent projects more talk to come (the repair), the continuation of the TCU. Silences that may follow closure cut-off, before the resumption of phonation, get interpreted as belonging to the speaker,because she has not brought the turn to possible completion.


Thus, in English as in Finnish, glottal closure is not treated as transition relevant. It remains to be seen whether English speakers treat other glottal strictures, such as creaky voice, as marking transition places



Other resources







 from Helen...

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上個月韋氏字典才把 Google 一詞當成動詞收錄進去,但據說最近 Google 發函媒體,要求不得將 Google 當成動詞使用,以保護 Google 的商標。Google 還列出例句,來說明 Google 一詞正確的用法: nogoogling_2007.gif

正確:I ran a Google search to check out that guy from the party.

錯誤:I googled that hottie.

第一句的 Google 還保留大寫,還是個專有名詞,指的也是 Google 本身,第二句則不再大寫,不再是專有名詞,還轉成動詞使用,結果被 Google 當成不當用法。顯然 Google 並沒有對於 Google 一詞普及化感到太高興,反而有些隱憂。從相關報導看起來,他們擔心的應該就是 Google 這個專有名詞和商標被一般人當成普通名詞來使用,甚至廣泛地指涉到同類型的事物上,進而造成 Google 失去此商標的相關權利。

對於 Google 的舉動,網上已有人提出不以為然的看法,還故意使用了 jacuzzi、hoover、xerox 等詞,來指出專有名詞變成普通名詞的現象。另一個很有名的的例子是「Walkman」,在一般人的用法中,這個 Sony 公司的商標早已成了普通名詞,現在不論是哪家廠商出的類似裝置,都會被一般人稱做「Walkman」(中文則稱為「隨身聽」)。而台灣人所說的「立可白」,原來也只是某一特定商品的名稱,後來也用作普通名詞,泛指所有的同類型產品。另一個年代久遠的例子是「非肥皂」,它原本是某家公司的商品名稱,在「洗衣粉」一詞興起前,據說它曾被普遍地用來指稱所有粉狀洗衣劑。(我沒經歷那個年代,若有錯誤敬請指正。)只是從大部份例子來看,廠商再怎麼採取行動捍衛商標,通常還是不敵「廣大群眾」的力量,不管在法律上能否保住商標,都無法阻止一般人繼續在口語中使用。

由這些例子看起來,一個商品名稱或商標如果經歷了專有名詞普通化的過程,通常代表該項商品在業界有開創性,因而被大眾當成同類商品的代名詞。如此看來,Google 應該是要驕傲的。可是如果他們想要搞些動作來擋住這個過程,不但在成效上要打一個大問號,而且對自己的企業形象也可能不太正面。雖然 Google 的影響力無遠弗屆,但我相信語言演變的力量仍是 Google 無法駕馭的。

                                                                            Post by 楊楊

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好啦, 其實這一篇不是有關語言學的

開學了大家都很忙 例如Ozzy的畢業成果展, Angela和Sandy有推甄, 楊楊則是要幫忙家裡...

這一篇網誌是來關心大家的, 希望大家忙歸忙, 身體健康也要照顧一下

我這個人不太會講感性的話啦 哈哈 就是希望大家加油 可是也別把健康給輸掉了 =D

留的青山在阿... 哈哈



熬夜很傷「心」! 30歲男昏倒爆心肌梗塞險送命

更新日期:2009/09/22 14:48 記者蔣文宜/台北報導







根據新英格蘭期刊刊登的研究發現,血中Hs-CRP過高者(>0.3 mg/dl)罹患冠心病的風險最高可達正常人(<0.1 mg/dl)的4.4倍。監測Hs-CRP可以了解血管的發炎程度,雙和醫院心臟內科主治醫師郝文瑞說,Hs-CRP(高敏感度C反應蛋白)是一種心臟血管疾病的新指標,Hs-CRP過高代表身體內發炎、感染或組織壞死等三種狀況。除此之外,總膽固醇太高,也是早發性心肌梗塞的一大主因。


建議若Hs-CRP過高、血管確實發炎的民眾,應該養成避免菸酒的習慣,或可在醫師處方下,服用阿司匹靈、Statin類藥物。配合9月27日的世界心臟日,雙和醫院與台北縣衛生局在雙和醫院大廳舉辦「愛『心』一起來,心臟篩檢活動。」活動時間為,本週日(9/27) 8:00~12:00,預計提供3000位民眾心臟血管健康篩檢。

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最近歌唱比賽節目大行其道 ,其中某個最受歡迎的節目,有個客座評審說到,有人在唱「天」這個字時有洋腔洋調的問題。

不知道她想說的是不是 t(或ㄉ、ㄊ)這類音的發音方式。不管是不是,我們都還是可以在這裡藉機討論一下 t 的問題。英語裡 t 的發音位置與台灣人所發的ㄉ、ㄊ的確稍有不同。大致上,這些音是舌尖音,發音時是把舌尖頂到門牙後方到其上方的牙齦之間,只是舌尖放上面一點還是下面一點,就造成了英語發音與台灣人發音之間的差異。英語的 t,舌尖頂住位置比較「上」或比較「後」,幾乎都在牙齦的地方,而台灣人的發音通常比較靠近牙齒,所以也比較下面一點。 (請參考右邊的示意圖,請注意舌尖位置, 畫得不好請見諒。XD)

現在的確很多人在唱中文歌時,都會把 t(ㄉ)與 th(ㄊ)用比較後的部位發音,在比賽節目中就有一大票,已經成了一種不可忽視的現象。他們也許真的是有意無意間學習了英語的腔調,不知道歌唱上的發音是否有一天也會影響口語的發音,如果這是這樣,那倒是個很有趣的事情。不過既然有人對這類問題提出批評了,我想歌手雖然不一定就得要改掉或不改掉這個腔調,但至少有了一個機會去思考發音方式的問題,進而讓自己表現得更好更自然。

(左):中文的 t                                 (右) : 英文的 t

中文的 t 英文的 t             Post by 楊楊

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                                                                                                                          分享~ 楊楊


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